CD!! CD!!! CD!!!!

Wow, I can’t believe it! I’m holding in my hands my FIRST grown-up looking CD!  Here it is:
I am soooooo excited

I am soooooo excited

This CD “wot I wrote” has 4 meditation tracks on it, I think the style is formally described as “new-age” or “extremely chilled”.  Each track has been composed, produced, and mastered in my lovely new studio!_

I’ve also uploaded a sample of the tracks on to myspace – if anyone knows a sexier way to get an MP3 file to talk to wordpress, please let me know, I’m still relatively new to all this blogging lark, and quite happy to benefit from someone else’s experience and/or knowledge.

Actually, there’s another, deeper, reason I’m really excited by this, because it’s only a small (some might say very small) step on the musical ladder in the big scheme of things.  I think this CD (and showing it to you in public) symbolises an acceptance of the musical part of me, which for a long time (and for very complicated reasons) I rejected for a while. I think there is also a big helping of nerves involved in actually going for it, creating a product and placing it in the market place.  What’s very odd to me is that I’m quite comfortable standing on stage / on TV chatting to a bunch of people I don’t know, but this blog post makes me feel incredibly strange, vulnerable and exposed.
Oh well.  Too late for that now.  The next step is for me to put the envelope with 5 CDs in the post to CDbaby, who will then hold the copies for purchase, and convert tracks to MP3 for digital download.
inside the Jewel Case

inside the Jewel Case

...and the back

...and the back

… right, I’ve been brave.  Now to self-medicate with chocolate and tea.

15 thoughts on “CD!! CD!!! CD!!!!

  1. Well done for producing your CD. Downloaded your song “amazon medley” ages ago. Found it to be very relaxing (mixed very well. Your blogs are getting better by the week.I know how difficult it is to put things in words. Keep it up.

  2. WOW, congrats on the CD, the tracks I sampled on Myspace where very relaxing, reminds me to bookmark your page in work, I tend to listen to music while working on tasks I need to concentrate on, funny music helps me mask out noises that would disturb me.

    You mention this is a small step but I feel you have made a large step and one in the right direction and good for you as you say your comfortable being on TV, however when it comes to a passion we have that is more scarey a task to show to the world wide audience, so hope this becomes a sucess for you ~:O)

    Kinda get the feeling that your style of music and siting the background music from the JVC camcorder demo, would be superb in bars etc as lounge music ( lounge music is one of my favs ) as its relaxing in some tracks and in others is jazzy/funky.

    Do you have a longer sample or one to download from the music you added to your video of the new JVC MG-MS100 camcorder as that one is right up my street?

    Agreed with Jessica E above, cannot wait to hear more.

  3. Let us all know when your album is up on iTunes. I’ll buy a couple of your tracks, purely in support 🙂

    Perhaps QVC could use some of your music when demonstrating products (MP3 Players) to avoid paying royalties? It would also be good free promotion for you, of course.

  4. Wow, that looks really good, once you get 5 copies off to CDBaby you’ll be suprised how well you can do, we have three albums at CDBaby and we lurve ’em 😉

  5. Hi David,
    thanks for the link – I clicked through this and found another FAQ which led me to the solution…

    What I did in the end was purchase a 5GB upgrade, which then allows wordpress users to self-host MP3 files right here on the blog.

  6. Hey I emailed you a week ago about your cd but didn’t hear back. How do I get hold of it – will it be available for download on napster?


    ps you/your hair looked great on qvc tonight!

  7. Hi Simon, thanks for your email and comment- my CD “Meditations by Design : Audio Feng Shui” will shortly be available for download from, how exciting! I also have about 20 copies here – I’m still in the process of working out the best way to sell these online. I’ll update this thread with the CD baby link as soon as it’s through!

  8. Said it in my email but didn’t know you had a blog then. So, congratulations again & I’m sure you will enjoy having accepted the musical side of you at long last. Everyone one of us has sides we refuse to accept so you’re not alone. I may be more fortunate than you since I am not only a musician but a teacher too. Therefore, not only can I share my music by playing to others but also by teaching them how to play as well. Very rewarding.
    Regards & best wishes, Richard

  9. I was looking at your album on iTunes, but something I noticed, only one of the four tracks is available as an individual download. The rest are “Album Only”.

    Is it possible you could change this? It would be nice to have the option to purchase each song separately, rather than being forced to buy the entire album.

    • Hi, thanks for your comment – yes it’s true, iTunes has all the tracks listed and only allows 1 as individual download – as iTunes have my tunes through (who do all the distribution) they tend to do what they’re doing and I’m not sure there’s much recourse for the artist to change it. However, if you hop over to you can listen to 2 minute samples of the trax instead of 30 secs. Hopefully you won’t feel forced into buying anything 🙂

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